Smaller items can sometimes get lost in large bags. If you need a place to put your personal items, get yourself an ACCESSORY BAG. It can be used to store toiletries, personal belongings, wristbands, balls, and caps. And it will fit easily into your padel backpack without you having you worry about finding those items later. It features a single central compartment and two smaller pockets on the side.
Perfect size with a single central compartment.
Two small side pockets to sptore personal items
High quality and durable finished for regular use
Perfect space for your toiletries items to keep on the racket bag all in one place
100% polyester
25cm x 12cm x 13cm
Black/Light grey/ Red/Metallic silver
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Store your smaller personal items in the ACCESSORY BAG without having to dig around for them later. The has a central compartment and two side pockets and can be used for toiletries, small items, caps, and wristbands.